Loading and Peak picking from a large set of spectra

Hello all,

I have a large set of Raman spectra (say 100 spectra), collected as a part of a two-dimensional map. Each of these is saved as a txt file. Is there anyway to load all of them into Igor Pro, perform peak picking (say within a certain range of the spectral data), and dump the results into a spreadsheet?


You should start by figuring out how to load a single file. To learn about that, execute this:
DisplayHelpTopic "Loading Waves"

Then you can write a routine to load all data files in a folder on disk. Here is an example: http://www.igorexchange.com/node/5843

This example loads the file's data into a 2D wave. You may want to change the LoadWave command to load into 1D waves. However, if all columns in a given file are of equal length then it is probably best to store them in a 2D wave.

Also execute this for a discussion of loading multiple files using a procedure:
DisplayHelpTopic "Loading Waves Using Igor Procedures"

Before you start on this, if you have not already done the first half of the Igor guided tour, you should do that, as it is indispensable. Choose Help->Getting Started.