Releases for Brownian Motion Simulator

Brownian Motion Simulator IGOR.6.30.x-1.2

Release File: BM_Simulator_0.ipf
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-1.2
Version Date: Fri, 11/23/2012 - 05:47 am
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 2
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: Changes in v1.2

-changed menu text to read "Simulate Brownian Motion"
-changed the layout of BM Panel
-added "Mean Free Path" setting. Allows user to choose a length of the mean free path the particle will take before colliding with another particle. Movement after each collision is then determined by a random, normally distributed value using gnoise and the mean free path value
-renamed "Steps" to "Collisions" to better represent the movement of a molecule/particle in solution
-renamed "Frames" to "Displacements" to better represent the final displacement of a particle after x number of collisions
-added a graph of the Track a particle makes after x number of displacements
-added labels to all graph axes
-added labels to the start and finish points of the collision path and the track path
-added contour paths to the deltaX-deltaY graph to visualize how displacements of increasing length diminishes as the length increases--this can then be seen in the Gaussian distribution to the right of this graph

Brownian Motion Simulator IGOR.6.30.x-1.2

Release File: BM_Simulator.ipf
Version: IGOR.6.30.x-1.2
Version Date: Tue, 11/13/2012 - 12:26 pm
Version Major: 1
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: A procedure file for generating random walks in order to simulate and model Brownian Motion. Compiling the procedure creates an item in the Macros menu.




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