wave name

I tried to load data from excl file, in which the first row is the name. The name was modified after loading. It seems there are some limitations for the wave name, such as length and character. However, I can change the wave name to what I want after loading. It there any method to load a wave without any modification?
You can't have waves that have the same name as other things, such as variables, strings, or built in functions or operations. So, for example, if you have a column in your excel file named "Date" and you try to import that file into Igor, Igor will rename that wave to something else, because Date is the name of a built in Igor function.

I don't think there's any way around this behavior.

Now, if your desired wave names conflict with another variable, string, or wave in the current data folder, you can either delete the conflicting wave/variable/string, or create a new data folder and load the data from your excel file into that new data folder.