Integrating area under a peak?

Hello Igor Exchange,

I have some CE-LIF data and I would like to integrate the fluorescence peaks. How do you integrate a peak/specific part of a data plot on igor? I see it is easy to simply integrate the whole plot but I want to specific specific parks to integrate.

Thank you
Did you try the Area operation?

Type in the console displayhelptopic "area"

You can assign for X1 and X2 the interval you wish to integrate.

Type the following into your procedure window and click Compile.

#include <AreaXYBetweenCursors>

Then look in the Macros menu where you'll find:

"Put Cursors On Wave", /Q, PutCursorsOnWave()
"Area XY Between Cursors", /Q, AreaXYBetweenCursors()
"Area XY Between Cursors Less Base", /Q, AreaXYBetweenCursorsLessBase()
"Hide Cursors", /Q, HideCursors()

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.