full wave path + cursors

Dear all,

The problem I'm facing is the following :

My data are structured in the data browser in folders s1, s2, ...
In each folder I have different waves puls1, puls2, eng, monitor etc...
Now, I am trying to plot waves from different folders for example:

Display s1:puls1 vs s2:eng
Appendtograph s4:puls1 vs s2:eng

in this graph I would like to use the cursors associated to each wave $csrwave(a) and $csrwave(b) and not the name of the waves. the problem is that if I do print csrwave(a) or print csrwave(b) I get the same result "puls1". My question is how can I use the cursors and get the full path for the wave associated to that cursor. in principal to be able to wavestats $csrwave(a) and wavestats $csrwave(b) even that they are situated in different folders.

More general, I would like to do the analysis of my pulses just by setting the cursors on the interesting waves and "running" some functions or procedures on the waves defined by the cursors.
Sure, it will be easier to move everything in the root: but I would like to avoid this..

Sorry for not being so clear,
Try CsrWaveRef instead, combined with GetWavesDataFolder if you want the full path to the wave as a string.