Keep Row Labels upon Concatenate

Since waves can only have one data type, I often take advantage of labels to add string identification for rows. An this works well. I typically do this when I intend to export out a wave for further analysis in another program, typically JMP.

All well and good, except when I concatenate waves (using the /np to just to the original wave). When I do that the concatenated wave no longer retains the row labels. Interesting the column labels remain fine.

For example I might have an analysis function that creates a summary wave with data, with mean, Std, dev, range,... and I will use the set label command to store the original data source ID such s_XYZ. Now if I use a loop to go through all the samples and concatenate the summary waves into a single wave for export. The first row retains the label and column labels are retained, but the subsequent row labels or not there.

Just a wish/request

hegedus wrote:
All well and good, except when I concatenate waves (using the /np to just to the original wave). When I do that the concatenated wave no longer retains the row labels. Interesting the column labels remain fine.

With concatenate, are you using the /DL flag?