Increase limit of itemListSpec for PopupMenu


I try to list a huge (400+) number of values in a popupmenu (Frequencies) to choose from for further processing of data.
The string method:
PopupMenu popup0, value="99.968;102.86;105.85;108.92;112.04;115.33;"

does obviously not work because of "This method is limited to 1000 bytes of menu item text."
However also
PopupMenu FRQlistselector value=#getfrqs(w_frqs)

doesn't work either here. Is there another method to assign a big list of values or am I out of luck here?
This is copy/paste from one of my procedures. The lists are calculated by the two functions every time the controls are updated. You could also use a global string, if your list doesn't change. Read the help for PopupMenu there are extensive example there.

PopupMenu DataFolderPopUp value=XPSViewGroupsAndFoldersList(root:, root:Programming, "SavedFits")
PopupMenu DisplayedWavePopUp value=#("XPSViewPopUpWaveList(1, \""+ActiveWindow+"\", \"DataFolderPopUp\")")

While Igor will let you make a menu with thousands of items, they tend not to work very well, especially on Windows. I would urge you to look for a different solution.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.