plotting function from imported parameters

Hi everyone

As a result from some computational work I have a list of parameters:
prmA prmB prmC
3 2 1
I would now like to import this data, and plot a function using those parameters: f(y) = PrmA + PrmB*y + PrmC*y^2, where y is a normal Wave.

importing and storing this data as waves wouldn't allow me to use the data points as variables for defining this function. How should I go about this?


Imports are handled by the menu commands such as Load Data. Suppose you load the data in to a wave called wprm with index 0 as A and index 2 as C. This set of commands will show a plot ...

make/N=100 fplot
fplot = wprm[0] + wprm[1]*x + wprm[2]*x^2

See the manual for information about wave scaling to appreciate why this is the case.

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH