Automatically color traces on multi-trace graph

When making a graph with multiple traces or appending traces to an existing graph, it would be nice if the traces automatically got different (well-distinguishable) colors. Why do all traces start out as red? I understand that the traces can be colored using the "Make Traces Different" package, but it seems that the "Commonly-Used Colors" button in that package should be the default Igor behavior. Currently I auto-load procedures that add macro menu items & keyboard shortcuts to do this. However, I don't think a new Igor user should have to learn about either of those options to make decent-looking graphs.
It's probably partly because every user will want a different set of colors.

Another approach is to make a graph with a number of traces and your preferred set of colors, then Graph->Capture Graph Prefs. In the dialog, turn on the XY Plots: Wave Styles checkbox and click Capture Prefs.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
For that reason I've written a mini-function with hard-coded colors (to keep it simple; I also have a function which applies color tables). I assign this function to a hotkey (Fxx) and have any graph colored with my favored colors in milliseconds. Maybe this would be an usable and lightweight approach for you. As for the Igor improvement, maybe a menu entry in the graph menu would not be too difficult? But then, it is probably not a good design practice to clutter menus with special-case commands on default.
Function QuickColorSpectrum()                            // colors traces with 12 different colors
    String Traces    = TraceNameList("",";",1)               // get all the traces from the graph
    Variable Items   = ItemsInList(Traces)                   // count the traces
    Make/FREE/N=(11,3) colors = {{65280,0,0}, {65280,43520,0}, {0,65280,0}, {0,52224,0}, {0,65280,65280}, {0,43520,65280}, {0,15872,65280}, {65280,16384,55552}, {36864,14592,58880}, {0,0,0},{26112,26112,26112}}
    Variable i
    for (i = 0; i <DimSize(colors,1); i += 1)
        ModifyGraph rgb($StringFromList(i,Traces))=(colors[0][i],colors[1][i],colors[2][i])      // set new color offset
johnweeks wrote:
It's probably partly because every user will want a different set of colors.

But having some common, sensible color choices as default would be a great start. Anyone who wants their own set of colors can utilize the functions we've been discussing and add menu items/shortcuts etc, but that's relatively advanced usage. A new Igor user shouldn't create graphs that by default are less readable than Excel graphs.

My point is that having all the traces on a chart red by default is terribly indistinguishable. For example, Mathematica makes the first two traces blue and purple, which are only barely distinguishable, but at least they're different.