Allign of number values in Set. Var. Control

Recently, I am working on designing control panels for graph fittings.

In a control panel, I made several set variable controls but the values are aligned to left side of the value display.

Is there any solution to align values on the right side?

There is. You may not like it, but...

You can set a format so that the precision and number of decimal places are fixed:
SetVariable setvar0 format="%7.2f"
That command displays the numbers with two digits to the right of the decimal point. In addition, you can add a formatting escape sequence that is just like the ones in a textbox in a graph. You have to tell the SetVariable to pay attention to such formatting using the styledText keyword. This command makes a setvariable that always shows two digits to the right of the decimal point and right-justifies the text within the value box:
SetVariable setvar0 styledText=1,format="\\JR%7.2f"
You can enter the necessary format in the Control Properties dialog; in the dialog, you don't have to escape the backslash. You would enter it as "\JR%7.2f".

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.