View Table for Built-In Color Maps

How do I view or export a table corresponding to a build-in "color table"?

Specifically, I have several image graphs in Igor that are displayed using the "Rainbow" color table. I have exported the matrices for these images, opened them in another program, and would now like to render them with the same color map as was used in Igor, i.e., "Rainbow". If I could view a table of values corresponding to the, say, 256 RGB colors in Igor's built-in "Rainbow" color table, then I can use this information to render the images in any other program exactly as they were rendered in Igor.

So far I've:
- read the section in the manual that refers to Color Tables
- looked at this site:
- examined the annotation editor for the graph in question, specifically the options available in the "color scale" tab
- browsed through the many waves currently in memory

I'm sure I'm missing something, because none of these steps pointed me to an answer.
jtigor wrote:

Great, thanks!

Implemented via command line:

ColorTab2Wave Rainbow
Edit/K=1 M_colors