Contour plot axis problem from a matrix data

Hi All,

I have problem with swapping axes in contour plot. First I have one column data (57600). Then I changed this data to 60rows 120 col and 7 layers. Until here everything works fine.

However, when want to plot contour graph of this data looks like in the attachment. Top axis from 0 to 120 and left axis from 0 to 60.

I want to have bottom axis from 0 to 120 no top axis. I tried Transform Axis package but no luck.

ps. Later I also modify this bottom axis from 0 to 600 scale, How can I do that.

I attached also my data to show how it is look like.

A picture of your data doesn't really help much, but maybe we don't need it.

Instead of NewImage step0_mz_Oe, try Display;AppendImage step0_mz_Oe. That will put the horizontal axis on the bottom, and will not reverse the left axis. If you really want the reversed X axis, double-click the left axis to bring up the Modify Axis dialog. Go to the Axis Range tab and click the Reverse Axis checkbox.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.