Time pause during loop

Is it possible to put a time pause in a loop, e.g. wait 10 seconds between each iteration of the loop.
new user here, but i'd hazzard a guess that ticks, startMSTimer and stopMSTimer are the functions you would want to look at. tossing zeros into a loop would have variable results on different systems, after all.. ;)
daggaz wrote:
new user here, but i'd hazzard a guess that ticks, startMSTimer and stopMSTimer are the functions you would want to look at. tossing zeros into a loop would have variable results on different systems, after all.. ;)

Sleep is the operation you want. I was making a joke about tossing extra loop iterations in somewhere :-).
daggaz wrote:
new user here, but i'd hazzard a guess that ticks, startMSTimer and stopMSTimer are the functions you would want to look at. tossing zeros into a loop would have variable results on different systems, after all.. ;)

Andy's right- use Sleep. These functions are more for measuring elapsed time, not for pausing execution.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
andyfaff wrote:
Excellent, reminds me of this article:

sleep/s 10

May this be used to update a graph if put in a loop?
Here is my code:
function PlotProfiles(NameRun)
    wave NameRun
    wave svx,sy
    variable numrun
    string strsvx,strsy,strfit
    for (numrun=0;numrun<numpnts(NameRun);numrun+=1)
        strsy  ="cnsy"+num2str(NameRun[numrun])
        strfit ="fit_cnvx"+num2str(NameRun[numrun])
        duplicate/O $strsvx svx
        duplicate/O $strsy sy
        duplicate/O $strfit fit_cnvx
        print strsvx
        sleep/s 1//PauseUpdate; Silent 10

I already have my graph window opened (Display svx vs sy;append fit_cnvx).

Thank you
For updating a graph in a running loop I would use DoUpdate,e.g., for visualizing the progress of a calculation.
Or do you want to do some animation using a time base?
HJDrescher wrote:
For updating a graph in a running loop I would use DoUpdate,e.g., for visualizing the progress of a calculation.
Or do you want to do some animation using a time base?

That is exactly what I wanted to do. Thank you so much!

BTW, if you know how to create some animation, I would be glad to have some basic hints. I'm always willing to learn, specially when I know I'll be using this soon.
Thanks a lot!
I haven't done so much in this field yet, but start reading the help chapter about "movies"
displayhelptopic "movies"

(Or in the manual Volume IV -> Advanced {Programming IP6 /Topics IP7} -> Movies

tijead][quote=HJDrescher wrote:
BTW, if you know how to create some animation, I would be glad to have some basic hints. I'm always willing to learn, specially when I know I'll be using this soon.

When your goal is to scroll through a set of traces to make a movie, you might consider the Scroll Traces package as a start.


You can add a plug-in to the package to generate movies from the traces.

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH