MDC and EDC Analysis using igor

Does anyone know how to use igor pro for finding the MDC( Momentum Distribution Curve) or EDC( Energy Distfibution Curve) using ARPES tool?

I am facing a problem to obtain MDC/EDC curves of the ARPES spectra
I can take manually by placing the cursor at each energy in the ARPES spectra and then right click , i will get inetsity vs Kx(momentum) table for the MDC; but it is a time consuming task and not all data points are available to consider. I want to take all the momentum distribution curves of my spectra.
I have tried using ARPES tool, there is an MDC Analysis and EDC Analysis button under this tool, when i clicked MDC Analysis, i am getting inensity vs Kx for one curve. But i need to get all curves for the whole spctra.
Please help me if anyone already gone through this problems
I'm working on ARPES, but the MDC and EDC tools you said may be coustomized by some ARPES guy. It's not very hard to program your own procedure (very simple) if you just want to extract the MDCs and EDCs.

Thanks for your reply. But i am not familiar with writing procedure . Also i am a beginner using Igor so i have to familiar with many functions in Igor.
mayanair2012 wrote:
Thanks for your reply. But i am not familiar with writing procedure . Also i am a beginner using Igor so i have to familiar with many functions in Igor.

Dear Mayanair,

I am also interested into analize some ARPES data, from where did you got this ARPES tool? Maybe I can try it and modify the macro, as I have some programming experience so far but I am not familiarized with Igor.