mie scattering code

I am currently working on a project that requires mie scattering calculation. Most of the code available is in IDL, does anyone have an igor code to do this? I will highly appreciate a timely response.
Thank you
gmwaniki wrote:
I am currently working on a project that requires mie scattering calculation. Most of the code available is in IDL, does anyone have an igor code to do this? I will highly appreciate a timely response.
Thank you

Can you post the IDL code?
PRO mie_lognormal, Nd,Rm,Sg,Wavenumber,Cm,Dqv=dqv,dlm=dlm,npts=npts,xres=xres,info=info,$

; Calculates the scattering parameters of a log normal
; distribution of spherical particles.
; EODG Mie routines
; mie_lognormal, Nd, Rm, Sg, Wavenumber, Cm $
; ,Bext ,Bsca ,w ,g ,ph [, Dqv = dqv] [, Dlm = Dlm]
; Nd: Number density of the particle distribution
; Rm: Median radius of the particle distribution
; Sg: The spread of the distribution, such that the
; standard deviation of ln(r) is ln(S)
; Wavenumber: Wavenumber of light (1/wavelength, units must match
; Rm)
; Cm: Complex refractive index
; Dqv: An array of the cosines of scattering angles at
; which to compute the phase function.
; dlm: If set the IDL DLM version of the Mie scattering
; procedure will be called rather than the IDL coded
; version.
; npts: Allows the user to overide the automatically
; calculated number of quadrature points for the
; integration over size. NOTE: reducing the number of
; abscissa can substantially decrease the accuracy of
; the result - BE CAREFUL!!!!
; xres: Sets the spacing of the quadrature points (in size
; parameter). Overridden by npts. Default is 0.1. The
; same warning as npts applies here!
; info: Named variable that, on return, will contain a
; structure containing the number of abscissa points
; and the maximum and minimum size parameters used.
; Bext: The extinction cross section
; Bsca: The scattering cross section
; w: The single scatter albedo
; g: The asymmetry parameter
; ph: The phase function - an array of the same
; dimension as Dqv. Only calculated if Dqv is
; specified.
; Note, this procedure calls the MIE_SINGLE (or MIE_DLM_SINGLE),
; G. Thomas Sept. 2003 (based on mie.pro written by Don Grainger)
; G. Thomas Nov. 2003 minor bug fixes
; G. Thomas Feb. 2004 Explicit double precission added throughout
; G. Thomas Apr. 2005 DLM keyword added to enable the use of mie_dlm_single
; RGG Jun 2005 Implemented 0.1 step size in X and trapezium quadrature
; G. Thomas Jun. 2005 Added calculation of the phase function afer
; calling mie_dlm_single, as the DLM no longer returns it. Changed "size" to
; "Dx" (as size is a IDL keyword!). Also added npts and info keywords.
; RGG 8 Jun 2005 Slight modification of code.
; G. Thomas 9 Jun 2005 Added xres keyword

Common mieln, absc, wght

; Create vectors for size integration
Tq = gauss_cvf(0.999D0)
Rl = exp(alog(Rm)+Tq*alog(Sg)) & Ru = exp(alog(Rm)-Tq*alog(Sg)+alog(4))
if 2D0 * !dpi * Ru * Wavenumber ge 12000 then begin
Ru = 11999D0 / ( 2D0 * !dpi * Wavenumber )
print,'mie_lognormal: Warning! Radius upper bound truncated to avoid size parameter overflow.'

if not keyword_set(xres) then xres = 0.1

if not keyword_set(npts) then begin
; Accurate calulation requires 0.1 step size in x

Npts = (Long(2D0 * !dpi * (ru-rl) * Wavenumber/xres)) > 200

; quadrature on the radii
if n_elements(wght) ne Npts then quadrature,'T',Npts,absc,wght


W1P = Nd*R * W1 * sqrt(!dpi)* EXP(-0.5D0*(ALOG(R/Rm) / ALOG(Sg))^2) / (sqrt(2D0) * ALOG(Sg))

Dx = 2D0 * !dpi * R * Wavenumber

if arg_present(info) then info = { Npts : Npts, $
MinSize : Dx[0], $
MaxSize : Dx[Npts-1] }

; If an array of cos(theta) is provided, calculate phase function
if n_elements(dqv) gt 0 then begin
Inp = n_elements(dqv)
ph = dblarr(Inp)
if keyword_set(dlm) then begin
DCm = dcomplex(Cm) ; Ensure the inputs are double precision
DDqv = double(Dqv)
Mie_dlm_single, Dx,DCm,Dqv=DDqv,Dqxt,Dqsc,Dqbk,Dg,Xs1,Xs2
; Cannot get the DLM to return the phase function. Very misterious...
Dph = dblarr(Inp,Npts)
for i = 0,Inp-1 do $
Dph[i,*] = 2d0 * double(Xs1[i,*]*CONJ(Xs1[i,*]) + Xs2[i,*]*CONJ(Xs2[i,*])) $
/ (Dx^2 * Dqsc)
endif else begin
DCm = dcomplex(Cm) ; Ensure the inputs are double precision
DDqv = double(Dqv)
Mie_single, Dx,DCm,Dqv=DDqv,Dqxt,Dqsc,Dqbk,Dg,Xs1,Xs2,Dph
endif else begin
inp = 1
dqv = 1D0
if keyword_set(dlm) then begin
Mie_dlm_single, double(Dx),dcomplex(Cm),Dqxt,Dqsc,Dqbk,Dg
endif else begin
Mie_single, Dx,Cm,Dqxt,Dqsc,Dqbk,Dg

Bext = total(W1P * DQxt)
Bsca = total(W1P * DQsc)
g = total(W1P * dg * DQsc) / Bsca
w = Bsca / Bext

if n_elements(ph) gt 0 then $ ;Phase function
for i =0,Inp-1 do $
ph(i) = total(W1P * Dph(i,*) * Dqsc) / Bsca