Fourier Transform troubles

Hi everybody, sorry for my english i dont speak it in years. The thing is that i´am a student of kinesiology and my group and i were making a project that consist in to determine the frequency of fatigue in the muscles of the back. the matter is that my knowledge in IGOR Pro is very basic and I would like to know step by step how to apply Fourier transform to the signal. someone who can help me I would be very grateful

Normally when you need to perform frequency analysis you would use the FFT operation and look at the squared magnitude of the transform. To learn more about the FFT operation execute:

DisplayHelpTopic "FFT"

In your application you should consider using DSPPeriodogram. In IP 6.x this operation will allow you to break your full wave into multiple intervals and thus obtain a more statistically sound result. To find out more about this operation execute

DisplayHelpTopic "DSPPeriodogram"

If you are still not sure how to apply these operations to your data, feel free to contact me directly.

WaveMetrics, Inc.