Graph: Mirror axes question: setting lables on the right


I have a question:

I need to position all of my labels on the right-side of my graph.

I searched in Igor Help, but I could not find how to do that.

I have created mirror axes but I can not attach labels to them.

Is there any way to do so?

I am attaching a figure which explains what I would like to achieve.

If it's doable from the command line or from the Igor windows, it would be really helpful (I am not good with writing Igor procedures ...)

Thank you!
You need to plot the trace against the right axis, as I mentioned in another post of yours I just replied to. Once you do that the axis labels will also be on the right side.

There is an example in the online manual that you might find useful. Access it by executing the following command in Igor's command window:

DisplayHelpTopic "Staggered Stacked Plot"

I read your other reply here
and the help in the Igor Manual, but one thing eludes me.

Using Mirror Axis = Labels gets the labels on the right, but how does one get the labels off the left?
For example, in the stacked graph shown in the Manual, or as a second example, if the OP had wanted to transfer only the middle labels.
jcor wrote:
I read your other reply here
and the help in the Igor Manual, but one thing eludes me.

Using Mirror Axis = Labels gets the labels on the right, but how does one get the labels off the left?
For example, in the stacked graph shown in the Manual, or as a second example, if the OP had wanted to transfer only the middle labels.

I'm not sure exactly what you're asking...

If you re-do the graph selecting Right as the axis, then the labels are on the right, not the left. Unfortunately, it is still not possible on a graph you've already made to switch an axis from the left to the right (or from bottom to top).

If you want to remove the labels from an axis entirely, double-click the axis to bring up the Modify Axis dialog. Choose the Label Options tab and select Off from the Labels menu in the upper-left corner of the tab. You can also choose "Axis Only" to have the axis label but turn off the tick labels.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
You weren't sure what I was asking because my question was crazy... simply using appendtograph/R instead of /L=namedaxis does as it should.

Thank you.