xop resident or transient as default

Is the IGOR XOP default resident or transient?

The xopman6.pdf says resident ----- "The XOPType field is initialized by Igor to be RESIDENT"
The xop.h file says transient ----- #define TRANSIENT 0 //default for XOPType

Would someone know which it might be?

It is initialized to resident.

Nowadays there is not reason to be transient. Transient is from 20 years ago when computers had 1 MB of RAM.

Also any XOP that adds an external function or an external operation via Operation Handler is automatically set to resident and must remain resident.
it would be nice to be able to install/update XOP's through an IGOR script. This would require XOP's to be loaded and unloaded.
it would be nice to be able to install/update XOP's through an IGOR script. This would require XOP's to be loaded and unloaded.

This is (still) on the to-do list.