Transformation of 2D images into Histogram

Dear all,
I have two different 2D images , one represents a sensor platform before a biochemical reaction and the other represents the same sensor platform after biochemical reaction. I want to transform these two images into one histogram that represent all the point (distribution) within the images before and after the biochemical reaction. The correlation of the two images on the histogram plot will help me to interpret these images in a better biological term with respect to the biochemical reaction. My operating system is windows 7 and i use igor 6. Please I need your urgent help on how to solve the problem.
Sensing patch before biochemical reaction.jpg Sensing patch after biochemical reactionjpg.jpg
I am not sure about your terminology as it is not immediately obvious how you convert an image into a histogram unless you consider your images to represent a histogram already.

There are a couple of ways that you can combine two images into a single image that displays the information in both. The first involves creating a new RGB image where the separate data are encoded somehow (usually by color). The second approach is to use Gizmo and display the two images as two surfaces that may intersect or be displayed at an artificial offset that allows you to see the details in both.

To display as a single image, you could, for example, create a new RGB image and place the data of the two images in two color channels (say red and green). So suppose your image waves are w1 and w2, and assuming they are grayscale images (if not use ImageTransform to convert them):
Make/O/N=(DimSize(w1,0),DimSize(w1,1),3) compImage=0
compImage[][][0]=w1[p][q] // code first image in red
compImage[][][1]=w2[p][q] // code second image in green
NewImage compImage // view the composit

If you are trying to create a tool that lets you inspect the data, you could also use the ImageBlend operation with varying alpha to transition from w1 to w2.

If you would like to display the two images as surfaces (again assuming they are grayscale) you can display them using Gizmo. Here are a few command lines that could help. Note that I inserted an arbitrary vertical offset of 0.3 just to put some distance between the two images and allow for visual inspection:

AppendToGizmo defaultsurface=w1
ModifyGizmo setDisplayList=2, opName=translate0, operation=translate, data={0,0,0.3}
AppendToGizmo defaultsurface=w2

I hope this helps,

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thanks for your prompt reply. I tried to convert the images to gray scale images using the following script:

ImageTransform rgb2gray blunting_NG0060
NewImage M_RGB2Gray // Display the grayscale image

but I keep getting errors. blunting _NG0060 is the image / wave name.

Please, what can I do .

Hope to hear from you soon