Switching Color Pallets Automatically?

Say I have a graph with 5 traces on it. Is there a way to switch color pallets quickly so that all 5 traces will update so I can quickly compare the difference between different color pallets? Since I'm new to producing my own scientific publications, I'm trying to make all of the graphs a. colorblind safe and b. greyscale printable. I'm not colorblind or anything, I'm just trying to be nice to people with colorblindness. I've also had problems printing papers that do not have a compatible color pallet for greyscale printing. I've found some great resources online that have sample color pallets. I've also downloaded a program called "Color Oracle" which lets you change your screen to simulate color blindness.

But back to my question. Is there any way switching between color pallets can be done easily and effectively? (Sure, I could write macros, just wondering if there is another way.)
[quote=proland]Would this code snippet work? http://www.igorexchange.com/node/3023[/quote]

It is a great snippet, but it does not exactly do what I want (even when creating my own color table)

I'll just write my own macro based off of that one.

Just for future reference, where are the built in color tables stored?