Simple question about rounding


This is probably a simple question, but I'm writing a procedure to identify peaks in rhythmic data that basically generates a sine wave and then splits the wave into separate peaks before I can do some further analysis of them. The problem I'm having is that the parameters my procedure calculates for peak-to-peak period are given to more than 1 decimal place and the actual sample resolution of the data is 0.1hrs.
This presents a problem when splitting the cycles, as I get cycle windows of different lengths and the analysis requires that the cycle windows are the same length in a single experiment.

Basically, I want to round any of my interval calculations to 1 decimal so that when the window ranges are calculated they are all the same length. The calculations I need to round are:

mean(period wave)


mean(period wave)/2

These calculations are presented as independent variables in my procedure file.

Many Thanks,

How about Round(Value*10)/10?
Ceil (next larger integer) and Floor (next smaller integer) might also be useful to calculate range settings