Reset a popup menu list

Hi all,

In a panel, I have 2 popup menu controls to do seasonal filtering of a wave. See image attached.
The "Season" list is predefined ({"all";"DJF";"MAM";"JJA";"SON"}), and is related to a global string (Season2Use). The "Date Wave" lists the wave present in a data folder and is also related to a global string (DateWave2Use), with a default value "select" ( PopupMenu NWRDateWave2Use_list, fSize=14, pos={162,257}, size={100,20}, value = "select;" + Input_Concwaveselection(), title="Date Wave", proc = NWRDateWave2Use_proc, disable = 0, win=ZeFir, where Input_concwaveselection() function returns the list of waves in the specific folder)
Also, when Season2Use="all", DateWave2Use is automatically set to "select".

So let's say I choose "MAM" as the season to use, and "utctime" as the date wave; everything is fine. But then, if I go back to Season2use="all", the actual value of DateWave2Use is "select", but the popup menu still displays "utctime" !! And a DoUpdate doesn't solve this.

Any ideas?
Capture d’écran 2015-04-26 à 23.53.31.png
Even though your description is unclear to me, I think you want to use the ControlUpdate operation somewhere in your code.

ControlUpdate is a little bit like a DoUpdate but for controls instead of windows.

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
Maybe rather than writing a string (with seems not associated at all with your popup, at least from the code you post) reset the item of the popup directly in your "Season" function by using  PopupMenu NWRDateWave2Use_list, popmatch="select" , win=ZeFir<\igor>
Thanks for both suggestions!!
I indeed changed the "season" function, so that it controls the display of the "date wave" popup menu, using the KillControl function. Not exactly what I expected at first, but it works very well!
I'm fairly new to panels and controls, and i'm discovering everyday new functions that are very useful! :)

Just as an addition: You don't have to kill the control when you are just trying to hide or reset the popup. You can basically access and modify all things within a function. You even can just create the control at first with minimal parameters and the set up everything tidily in another function. For example I sometimes don't the limiting values for a setvariable at creation time and adjust these things when needed based to the changing conditions. use the disable=1 parameter if you want to let the popup disappear (saves code for recreating the whole thing).