Replace values within range

Hi folks,
Is there a way of replacing a range of values within a wave with another number?

I have two waves, one which is a square wave and a response wave. I've found the derivative of the square wave to the locate edges, now I would like to replace values in my response wave with NaNs +/- 10 points around these square wave edges (i.e. cut holes in the data around the square wave transitions).

I could do this point by point, but this is cumbersome. Is there a better way?
Are these 1D waves? and do you have a point number where the transition occurs? If so, you can use a simple wave assignment like this:
responsewave[tp-10, tp+10] = Nan
where tp represents the point number where the transition occurs. You can read about this and much, much more by executing this command on Igor's command line:

DisplayHelpTopic "Waveform Arithmetic and Assignment"

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.