Interpolating through gaps...

I have a data set that is Date/Time vs intensity. The data intensities were (sort of) taken at 5 minute intervals. The timer is a little off so it may be time[p+1] = time[p]+290 and time[p+2]= time[p]+610, so its not an evenly spaced timewave. However, I want to interpolate it to a 10 minute timewave (evenly spaced). I have large gaps in some of the source time data so the wave is smaller than the 10-minute timewave.. The instrument broke down over several days so there is missing intensity data. When I use the interpolate macro in the Analysis menu to put it in 10 minute data, it tries to interpolate over those gaps however and I get both positive and negative parabolic peaks spanning the gaps. Is there an option that says when there's a gap, put in a gap?
I've attached a picture of the resulting graph. the interpolated wave is red and the original is blue.
Also, I used Interpolate2/T=2/N=5905/E=2/I=3/A=5000/J=1/Y=temp/X=AOCTimewave Start_time_CDT, SA
So in interp form its: temp=interp(aoctimewave,start_time_cdt,SA)
I also tried linear with /T=1 (without any /E) and it still spans the gaps...