I cannot open IGOR after crashing


What happened was I forced quit IGOR during data processing. When I tried to open the file and it kept performing a loop of open and automatically close. I don't have any controls of the file. Is there a way to stop the process of the loop?

Try restarting your machine.

When I tried to open the file and it kept performing a loop of open and automatically close. I don't have any controls of the file.

"The file" is vague.

What platform are you on? Macintosh? I have seen something like this happen on Macintosh and then it went away by itself.

If restarting does not help, you can check the "Close windows when quitting an application" checkbox in System Preferences->General.

"Close windows when quitting an application" is a misnomer. It actually means "stop automatically reopening files when I relaunch a program".

hrodstein wrote:
Try restarting your machine.

When I tried to open the file and it kept performing a loop of open and automatically close. I don't have any controls of the file.

"The file" is vague.

What platform are you on? Macintosh? I have seen something like this happen on Macintosh and then it went away by itself.

If restarting does not help, you can check the "Close windows when quitting an application" checkbox in System Preferences->General.

"Close windows when quitting an application" is a misnomer. It actually means "stop automatically reopening files when I relaunch a program".

The crashed file (IGOR file pxp format in Mac) is about 900MB with more than 100 table/graph macros opened. I followed your suggestion it did not work.
The file just keep looping of graph macros and then close the IGOR itself.

Any suggestions?
viralvector wrote:
hrodstein wrote:
Try restarting your machine.

When I tried to open the file and it kept performing a loop of open and automatically close. I don't have any controls of the file.

"The file" is vague.

What platform are you on? Macintosh? I have seen something like this happen on Macintosh and then it went away by itself.

If restarting does not help, you can check the "Close windows when quitting an application" checkbox in System Preferences->General.

"Close windows when quitting an application" is a misnomer. It actually means "stop automatically reopening files when I relaunch a program".

The crashed file (IGOR file pxp format in Mac) is about 900MB with more than 100 table/graph macros opened. I followed your suggestion it did not work.
The file just keep looping of graph macros and then close the IGOR itself.

Any suggestions?

Never mind... it works now....

Thank you.