Error while starting up

Dear all:

I received a error every time I opened an experiment. The diagnostic notebook is below. My data seems intact, although I had to reopen procedures/notebooks and the default notebook appears to be lost. I can open the data in the computer I conducted the experiment. It seems nothing
wrong with my data. But when I copy the data and the software to my own computer, the error happened. Is there some way to get around this error? Thank you so much!

*** Igor was unable to fully recreate the experiment. ***
This notebook contains diagnostics to help you understand the problem. You can kill this notebook when you no longer need the diagnostics.

Some waves, procedures or other data were not loaded into the current experiment. Therefore, if you save the current experiment DO NOT OVERWRITE any existing files. It is OK to save the experiment. Just use a new name for the file.

While executing the restart procedures the following error occurred: This does not appear to be a valid TGOR experiment file
There's not much information about how you transferred the experiment file and any associated files it may reference.

I'll guess that when you loaded or saved some Igor waves or external notebook or procedure files, that you didn't also copy them to the new computer.

I suggest you open the experiment on the old computer, hold down the Shift key, and choose Adopt All from the File menu.

Follow the advice of the dialog and don't adopt standard WaveMetrics procedure files, but do adopt all the external waves, notebooks and procedure files.

Save that experiment (use Save As) and copy it to the new computer. If I've guessed correctly, this should solve the problem.

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
The file may have been corrupted when you transferred it from one computer to another. If that occurred typically the number of bytes in the two files will be different so compare the file size on the two computers. If they are different then the file was corrupted in the transfer. This often happens when transferring a binary file via FTP in text mode.