Data Browser & Folders

Hi all,

Can someone tell me how I can move to the next folder in DataBrowser just with simple command (from command line, no mouse ...)? Something like this : SetDataFolder Next. Is this already implementes or one needs to write a function for this? Could you please help me with this?

Kind regards,
Hello T,

I am not sure I understand what you mean by "move to the next folder": Are you trying to move the red arrow to the next data folder or just the Data Browser selection?

To move the red arrow you need to set the current data folder to the desired target. The Data Browser displays folders either by creation date or by name so finding the next data folder in the list would also require that you know which setting is employed by the DB. To get a list of objects (in this case data folders) you can use GetIndexedObjName() which is likely to be in sync with the DB only if it is set on ordering data items by creation date.

If you are only interested in modifying the DB selection then find out the name of the next selection target and execute ModifyBrowser using the name as the selection string.

I hope this helps,

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Hi Igor,

Thank you so much for your reply !

I would like to move from command line to the next folder in the list of the data browser. No matter what folder and how are arranged there. Since my folder names are too long (and different) to type SetDataFolder 'fprc_100_101_TR_moncalcnorm+"and so on".dat' I would like to be able to just enter the next one in the list with a simple command. Would be nice to have this possibility to go one folder down or up even (in the datafolder ) just by typing previous or next.

Sorry if I was not so clear in my previous message, I hope this one isa bit better .

Best, T