Cross Correlation waves in Matrix

Hello everyone,

I would like to cross-correlate the columns of a Matrix.
Does anyone have any idea of how can I do this?

Thanks a lot!

It is not obvious exactly what you need. If you know how to compute the cross correlation between any two waves and you know how to extract columns of a matrix then the answer is straightforward. If you are using IP7 you could correlate col i with col j or matrixWave with syntax like:
MatrixOP/O colCorr=correlate(col(matWave,i),col(matWave,j),opt)

Here opt is 0 or 4 depending on your choice of correlation.

Once you are happy with the cross correlation you can combine the above with
MatrixOP/O outWave=SetCol(outWave,k,colCorr)

I hope this helps,

WaveMetrics, Inc.